Second Trimester Yoga practice
The second trimester is often the easiest stage, when women start to feel less tired.
Yogis change their whole attitude towards practice as they start to create space ,respect their limitations and accept changes in energy levels.New yoginis will find prenatal yoga very soothing at this stage.
The second trimester requires modifications to stance,creating room for the belly by separating the feet (uttanasana and chair pose),thus providing extra stability.
Balancing poses such as tree pose, eagle pose and dancer pose can be done next to a wall for safety and security.
The importance of pelvic floor exercises:
Pregnancy weakens the muscles in the pelvic floor area, thus maintaining their strength will decrease the chances of having complications during delivery and a proper recovery from childbirth.
Seated on a swiss ball or on a pillow, inhale release your pelvic muscles down,exhale gently lift the muscles away from the ball.
Asanas (poses) for second trimester:
2.Baby hammock
3.Shoulder openers:
4.Lateral hand stretches: