
Is eating eggs on a regular basis healthy?

Eggs and diseases:

Patients diagnosed with high blood cholesterol are advised to avoid egg yolks as they contain high levels of cholesterol (186mg). The human body absorbs only 7% of cholesterol from food as it produces it has the capacity to produce its own cholesterol. Nowadays the egg ban has been released and people can consume it freely within a balanced diet containing fibers from fruits vegetables and whole grains.

What is a healthy egg?

There are various types of eggs in the market; organic, free range, regular and omega 3 rich eggs. Unfortunately the word regular does not stand for chickens running around, eating grains and laying eggs in a nest, but rather hens kept in a cage and fed large amounts of grains to serve the high demand for big sized chicken breast and daily breakfast omelets. Chicken sometimes reach a point were they are unable to walk because of the pressure created by the increased weight of their breasts.They are fed grains with antibiotics and growth hormones to reach an early maturity to fulfill the market demand.

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Are burgers safe?

How safe is it to eat a burger on a regular basis?

How does it affect humans and planet Earth?

Those are questions that hardly come into somebody’s mind before enjoying a burger.

In developed countries, cows are grain fed (soy and corn) rather than grass fed. Green house gases are increasing causing pollution. Cows are part of the problem as they are unable to digest grains and methane in their gases pollutes the air.

30% of Earth ‘surface is dedicated to feed cattle, pigs and chicken. Walsh, B (2013 December) “The triple whopper environmental impact of global meat production” Times.

The industrial food system is equipped with the latest machinery for feeding, killing and handling cattle for mass production. It is producing massive amounts of food, higher than what is needed for financial purposes disregarding environmental consequences.

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Vegan meals

Vegan meals are not only for vegans or vegetarians . You can chose to make them part of your daily meals to lower the chances of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Having 2 to 3 vegan meals per week has detoxing effects.

Here are some cues from getting essential nutrients from plant sources:

-Pistachios, cashews, poppy seeds, sesame seeds and rice bran contain the biggest amount of iron. Consuming foods high in vitamin C increases iron absorption such as: carrots, apricots, grapes and tomatoes.

Carrot salads* are very fresh, they are packed with nutrients and vitamins.

-Dried figs,dandelions and sesame seeds contains huge amount of calcium,almost 6 times more than milk.

-Zucchini for example contains beta carotene, which slows down biological aging and have anti carcinogenic effects, include vegan zucchini stews or salad in your daily menus.

Carrot salad* Recipe:

3 grated carrots

1/2 cup orange juice

6 crushed cashew nuts

Coriander leaves

1 tsp Mustard

1 tsp Honey

Prepare the dressing : combine 1/2 cup orange juice with mustard and honey.

Place the grated carrots in a salad bowl. Add the dressing and sprinkle the cashew nuts and the coriander leaves.




Coffee benefits

Coffee has a lot of health benefits but should be consumed in moderation, too much of it can cause heartburn and jitters.The daily dose is 2 cups per day. Drinking coffee may lower the incidence of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The daily dose of caffeine should not exceed 400 mg. Caffeine can be found in chocolate and energy drinks.


Coffee does not contain any calories but when mixed with cream, milk and sugar, it becomes calorie dense.It is best to mix your coffee with skimmed milk or milk substitutes(if lactose intolerant) and omit the whipped cream and flavored syrups.

If you are a coffee addict, switch to decaffeinated coffee when you exceed the daily dose of caffeine. Mate or matcha tea are a great substitute to coffee as they both contain antioxidants and minerals that will help boost your energy levels.

Coffee lovers appreciate organic coffee as it has a nutty flavor and a unique aroma.



Is bread good for us?

Wheat, in certain individuals, can cause epilepsy, anxiety, migraine, depression, attention deficit disorder, Alzheimer and a lot more health issues. Bread constitutes one of the main food source in many countries.

Enjoying a morning croissant or a brioche has become so unhealthy in the diet industry thus accusing wheat to be the reason behind all those health issues.

Food labs transformed whole wheat grains into genetically modified white grains that would produce appealing white loafs; skin is removed from the grain, which is then bleached; additives and vitamins are injected to replace lost micronutrients. What a process… This is why bread has become dangerous, it was depleted from its core constituent the skin which contains most nutrients and health benefits. Read More


Food addiction

What is your relationship with food?

Is it love and hate? Never ending love… or a TOXIC one? As weird as it sounds how we react to food determines our wellbeing.

Mindful eating has become crucial for a healthy relationship with food. Social media has influenced the way we react to certain foods. Junk food adds are programmed by neuro-marketing strategies to hit brain areas in relation to addiction!

Obesity has developed into an epidemic because of hormonal imbalances and a bad relationship with food. Mindfulness helps us manage emotions and cravings. Emotional eating will then turn into smart eating; knowing when to eat and how much food is enough for you.

Our body is programmed to maintain a stable body weight. Dieting disrupts the body’s capacity to regulate weight, thus pounds pile up easily after food restriction. A toxic relationship with food is the result of food deprivation. Respect your body’s natural capacity to regulate food intake. Indulging is a natural process, no need to feel guilty.

Embrace your body’s needs without regret!