weight cycling

Danger of weight cycling

Dieting has become more like a trendy behavior . Everybody has tried to diet at least once in a lifetime however no one really takes into consideration the drawbacks of putting your body into a negative calorie balance and potentially gaining the weight back. Actually when you go through a diet you will lose subcutaneous fat which is the fat under your skin so once you go back to your bad eating habits fat piles up as visceral and abdominal fat which puts you at higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

It takes years to get rid of visceral fat and requires a permanent commitment to healthy eating along with regular exercise.

I would recommend people to switch to a clean eating regimen rather than undergo an extreme diet ,where you cut off processed food and favor natural grains, seeds along with regular exercise.

Make sure to visit a dietitian for proper weight loss and maintenance.Prepare your self to lead a disciplined life. Clean eating is not a phase it is a lifetime transformation.