SkinnyKC Daily Posts


Fries mystery ingredients

An occasional pack of fries at a fast food outlet might not harm you but eating handmade fries Is a much better idea given the fact that fast food fries often have more than 15 mystery ingredients,including sugar and artificial coloring.

They also contain preservatives like sodium acid pyrophosphate and text-butylhydroquinone which can lead to vision problems.

Watch your fast food intake as much as possible in order to avoid health issues.



My organic energyzing breakfast

Energyzing Breakfast:

Live probiotic yogurt

organic shredded coconut

organic cocoa nibbles

organic banana

Start by placing the yogurt in the bowl ,that type of yogurt contains live culture meaning that it will clean your gut from harmful bacteria and reduce bloating.

Display each ingredient in the form of a rainbow by gently sprinkling it on top of the yogurt and enjoy!!

P.S: you can add coco syrup or honey for a sweeter taste.