SkinnyKC Daily Posts


The No Diet Approach -TNDA-

TNDA is a revolutionary approach to eating healthy. It is an approach that condemns weight loss plans and diets along with calorie restrictions and food deprivation.
The goal is to de-emphasize weight loss as a health goal and reduce stigma towards people that are overweight or obese.
Body size is not always in one’s control, we should not force someone’s body to be a certain size.
Dieting with a weight loss goal is not ideal but rather detrimental to one’s psychological health. Weight loss plans are short term plans whereas weight neutral plans are long term because they do not cause any psychological harm so the person will not go into emotional eating but rather intuitive eating.

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Tips for eating out ;allergens, menus, healthy choices…

Wholesome eating has become part of many diet routines. Most food outlets serve all kinds of healthy foods (superfoods, vegan foods, vegetarian varieties …)

Allergens and intolerances are important topics that might jeopardize eating out. A detailed list of ingredients is available in menus as allergens are present everywhere and should be easily avoided. Common allergens are present on bottom pages of menus and next to every dishes.If dining in a fancy place, mentioning your allergies while booking a table will give the chef a chance to change his recipe in order to replace allergens with tasty options.If you suffer from intolerances be firm when asking to cancel some ingredients. Eating out is a pleasurable experience and allergens or intolerances should not stop you from enjoying your meal.

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Breakfast ideas

What is the perfect breakfast?

Definitely a nutrient dense meal! After several hours of sleep your body has depleted its energy stores and needs fuel to start the day.

Stay away from high sugar foods that will make you hungry in the coming 2 hours such as chocolate, cereals and white flour pastries.

Opt for low sugar, high fiber foods such as oats, whole grain bread, porridge, eggs, fruits paired with raw nuts, yogurt or whole-wheat toast with peanut butter.

You can also have milk or Mylk depending on your intolerances. Do not go for industrial cereal bars but rather homemade bars that contain less sugar. Nut bars are perfectly fine, choose the variety that has buckwheat, amaranth or quinoa added to it.



Vitamins and minerals: food or pills?

What is the best way to get our body nourished??

It takes some planning and organizing to have a diet full of vitamins and minerals along with some basic nutrition knowledge.

Vitamins and minerals are micro substances (micronutrients) that are found in food or can be synthesized in labs in the form of pills. RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) and IU (International Unit) are indicators of how much should we have of each vitamin or mineral in order to prevent diseases.

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Is eating eggs on a regular basis healthy?

Eggs and diseases:

Patients diagnosed with high blood cholesterol are advised to avoid egg yolks as they contain high levels of cholesterol (186mg). The human body absorbs only 7% of cholesterol from food as it produces it has the capacity to produce its own cholesterol. Nowadays the egg ban has been released and people can consume it freely within a balanced diet containing fibers from fruits vegetables and whole grains.

What is a healthy egg?

There are various types of eggs in the market; organic, free range, regular and omega 3 rich eggs. Unfortunately the word regular does not stand for chickens running around, eating grains and laying eggs in a nest, but rather hens kept in a cage and fed large amounts of grains to serve the high demand for big sized chicken breast and daily breakfast omelets. Chicken sometimes reach a point were they are unable to walk because of the pressure created by the increased weight of their breasts.They are fed grains with antibiotics and growth hormones to reach an early maturity to fulfill the market demand.

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Are burgers safe?

How safe is it to eat a burger on a regular basis?

How does it affect humans and planet Earth?

Those are questions that hardly come into somebody’s mind before enjoying a burger.

In developed countries, cows are grain fed (soy and corn) rather than grass fed. Green house gases are increasing causing pollution. Cows are part of the problem as they are unable to digest grains and methane in their gases pollutes the air.

30% of Earth ‘surface is dedicated to feed cattle, pigs and chicken. Walsh, B (2013 December) “The triple whopper environmental impact of global meat production” Times.

The industrial food system is equipped with the latest machinery for feeding, killing and handling cattle for mass production. It is producing massive amounts of food, higher than what is needed for financial purposes disregarding environmental consequences.

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