cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are unique because of their glucosinolate content once converted to ICTs (isothiocyanates) will have immune strengthening and cancer fighting agents.
This transformation happens when the plant is broken down by chewing,juicing,blending or chopping.The better you chew the vegetable the more ITC s are formed.

Observational studies have showed that women who consume a lot of cruciferous vegetables are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Plant foods of all colors are rich in disease protecting phytochemicals which occur naturally in plants enabling the body’s defense system to work against free radicals.

Here is a list of cruciferous vegetables:

Arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower,kale,Chinese cabbage,turnips and radish.

Let us include those veggies to our meals as part of our clean eating plan!