Nutrition Coaching


Online Nutrition coaching is suitable for people aiming at professional guidance on nutrition and Dietetics.

There is no universal method for clean eating; it is an ongoing process that requires motivation.

I have coached people on weight loss for the past 9 years and developed a system that takes into account all negative factors that induce bad eating habits. I don’t believe in calorie restriction or fad diets or any other method that is not sustainable. It is all about listening to your body’s needs and letting go of diet misconceptions.

The first assessment is done online through WHATSAPP or BOTIM it is mainly based on diet history, food questionnaire and planning the steps to overcome the current nutritional issue. Each plan is personalized; it is usually done through a 3 to 6 month period for optimal result.

I will guide you towards eating wholesome, unprocessed nutrient dense foods in amounts that are appropriate for you without feeling deprived.


How much does it cost?

There are 2 payments options:

Individual sessions: You can go for the 80$/hour.

Packages: Pay 8 hours in advance (the fees will be reduced to 60$/hour.)

One or 2 hours are usually needed per week.

WHATSAPP/BOTIM: +971561780168

For any additional queries, email me at